Many of you have reached out with questions since the news of the acquisition was announced. We deeply appreciate the concern expressed about StorageGives and how our organization will continue to operate. Rest assured, the work of Gives is not finished! We have always existed to Give 100% and that's exactly what will continue.
We will continue to partner with under the Storable brand as they offer the ability for operators to give through their auctions. We will continue to raise money through event fundraisers at our local state association events and national shows. StorageGives is looking forward to growing through your generosity to continue to feed more children, drill more wells, build more homes, and restore more lives.
Stay tuned for more news to come!
100% of Every Donation Goes To Our Causes
Children Fed
Liters of Clean Water in 2023
Raised to Build Veteran's Homes
Raised to Fight Human Trafficking
Whether you’re a storage facility, storage vendors, management company or individual, we can get together and provide provide help, assistance, and care to those in need, across the globe. By giving food, water or even a warm house for someone to call home, we stand to lend support and care to life-giving causes.